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Couples Sessions . . 

Tantric Massage as a couple is the most amazing thing that you can do for your relationship.


Unlike other experiences, the Tantric Massage that we teach you at the National Institute of Tantra is so powerful, and thorough that it is a proven method for enhancing relationships, restoring relationships and taking the relationship to higher, more profound levels.


      As a Couple you are guided by the practitioner on how to do offer sensual touch to one another. You have an amazing experience reconnecting with your lover and take away with you knowledge on sensual  secrets that can stay with you for your entire life.


Our studies have shown that the IIOT Method is the most advanced Tantra Massage program and it has its benefits in all areas of sexuality, from premature ejaculation, to sexual development and enhancement.


Everything is done at your own pace, within your own boundaries and limits. The practitioner can participate as much or as little as you like. So women who are worried about another woman being present in the room, the goddesses will only be a shoadow, you will ALWAYS be his Goddess at all times in the session.


You can be massaged only, or Massage only or take turns. You can do whatever you like, that suits your own comfort levels. The Program is specially developed for Couples, so bring your partner, Husband, Wife, lover or friend.    2 Hrs $250




Has traditional therapy or counselling just not been able to address the issues around your sex life. Try our form of counselling. This is a direct approach to the sexual issues in your relationship. No censorship, no embarassing information. 


Being able to discuss your issues with someone who understands and cares and can also work through these issues as well as instruct and guide you on new methods and techniques. Couples counselling is a beautiful way to work through your bedroom issues with faster and longer results than traditional counselling... 


Do you want to convince your partner to try new positions but dont know how to bring up the topic. 


Are you interested in fetishes but unsure how your partner will react


Are you bored or lack stimulation and need to spice up the relationship but so many factors are blocking the communication between you both... 


You love and hate one another.. but want to break the cycle of fighting and making love not war... 


This is a space to do so... The beauty of this type of counselling is that you can experiment and be guided into new techniques with the guidance of a professional. 






© 2006 by International Institute Of Tantra | CONTACT US

 Melbourne | Australia | By Appointment
London | United Kingdom |Boston | Chicago | U.S.A | BALI | Indonesia |Istanbul | Turkey

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